Saturday, March 31, 2012

Did you know that recycling can be creative and fun?

I have found so much satisfaction with my new ways of recycling. I especially enjoy discovering fun recycling projects. Just recently I began building a page about recycling awareness on a website called Pinterest. Pinterest is a website that allows you to document your interests and find websites that give you more information about each of your interests. The projects I found on Pinterest ranged from using juice cartons to create toy boats or houses for children to creating book shelves with guitar cases.

One recycling project I decided to do was taking old sentimental t-shirts and making a quilt. I have spent over 30 hours working on this quilt and I am almost finished. I used the extra scraps from the t-shirts for the quilt edging, and I used recycled pearl cotton to tie the quilt in the middle. I found an old fleece blanket that I hadn’t been using and used it for the back of my quilt. Now I just have a small portion of the lining to finish and then I will have completed this project.

I can use egg cartons for a variety of recycling fun. One project I finished was making fire starters for camp fires. To make these fire starters, each hole in the egg carton is filled to the brim with dryer lent. Next melted candle wax is poured into the holes soaking into the dryer lent until the dryer lent is completely covered with wax. The wax is dried and the carton is cut into sections. It was easy to find dryer lent in abundance and I used old wax candles for the wax. I also found a fun way to make flowers from the egg cartons that I am using to make a mobile, and egg cartons are great for holding supplies such as pencils, tacks, erasers, etc.

Another way I enjoy recycling is by reloading ammunition. A friend of mine and I really enjoy this hobby and we have spent over 20 hours collecting brass ammunition shells thrown on the ground at the gun range and then reloading both what we have collected and what we have shot. Reloading ammunition is a 10 step process and is very tedious and time consuming. I will not go into depth about each process, but it has been so enjoyable.

I find more traditional ways to recycle besides fun projects. In my family we collect tin cans, milk cartons, and soda pop cans that are brought to places that will recycle these items. We don’t often find a need to recycle paper products because they are burnt in our wood stove to keep our house warm. Additionally, I love to can food with my mom. Canning food reduces paper waste from boxed or packaged items bought from grocery stores. We can a variety of food including applesauce, green beans, chicken gravy, and tuna fish. Often times we have collected old sour cream containers or other containers like this to can and freeze jam. I love to recycle because I’m able to be creative and because it is very satisfying.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Raymondville, Texas

This blog tells about my trip to Raymondville Texas as a missionary. I had many opportunities to meet families who's heritage came from Mexico. I gained a friendship with many of these families as I taught them about God and the way their family would grow closer together through him. Sometimes on my mission, all I did was listen to other individuals problems; I know that helped each person that I taught feel love and appreciation. The experience has had a huge impact not only on the people I have met and served, but also on me. I have gained a great love for the Hispanic culture, and the people taught me that I was someone special and that I could make a difference in the lives of others.

A lot of the pictures below include people I met while in Raymondville, the house I lived in (it was a mess and needed cleaning), and a random assortment of the experiences I had while living there.

New town, new home...and it needs cleaning!!!!
(You've got to click on the picture above to get a load of the look on Katie's face!)

Cockroaches in the cupboards!

Lots of hard work...

Making new little friends...

A baptism...

A new companion...becoming great friends!

Grabbing a bite...a big one at that!

Pretty ladies...

Another Texas creature!

Make time to smell the flowers...

or wear them :-).

A favorite treat from home!

That's one BIG cockroach!
A fun celebration...

A HUGE, nasty spider!
Learning to make laundry soap...

Meeting with other missionaries...


Kids are the greatest!

Missionary charts...
Dunkin' for apples...

Easter egg confetti...

The end of a good day...
Turtle sandwich!

Lots of dogs in Texas!

What in the world is this?!!!

Another baptism...
Scissor tail fly catcher...

Beautiful moth...

Before and after...
Sister Miller made a "tie skirt" for Kate.

What a funny looking dog!

Doing service in a skirt?

More service opportunities...

golfing...(Sister Burt)

and letter writing...(Sister Farr)

Arrival of the ties!

A strange, fuzzy caterpillar...

More little friends...

Older couple missionaries...helping out!
A little puppy came to visit...

A special friend...
Missionary conference...

A favorite restaurant...

Letters...a missionary's best friend!